St. Bartholomew's Episcopal Church

Christmas Pageant


The Christmas pageant will be held December 20 and will replace the Ministry of the Word.  Parts will be recorded and edited together. Fr Hugh would like more children to participate and will work on a script depending on participants. Please contact him at HughJames56 (at) gmail (dot) com if you wish your child, grandchild or other child you know, to participate.

This will be on our Sunday, Advent IV Zoom service (contact Fr. Hugh or use the contact form on this site for the link) or watch on Facebook Live at 10:00 a.m. EST. It will be viewable later that day on our Facebook page:

Alexander L. "Lexie" Ross
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St. Bartholomew's Episcopal Church

Mailing Address: PO Box 29626 ZIP 23242
10627 Patterson Ave.
Richmond, VA 23238
Church 804-740-2101